Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Banana Dance

Ok so my kids are obsessed yes obsessed with this damn Banana Dance!

What is the Banana Dance you ask? Well it's this little cartoon banana dancing & singing & then he rips off his peal swings it around & you see his banana butt cheeks!! (it's pretty damn funny) I think my kids reaction to it is even funnier probably why we watch it a million times!

How did we find said Banana Dance you ask? Well do you know the PB Jelly song?

 If so you have probably seen that dancing Banana well the other "Banana dance" showed up on the side of You Tube & we were like what's that?

 So we clicked it & never should have because my children are addicted to it! B screams for the dancing Nena (that's what he calls bananas). He then rips off his shirt throws it & says "get out of here you Nena" (the kid is crazy)

So with out further ado here is the damn Dancing Banana that has me singing this damn song day after day! I apologize in advance because it will be stuck in your head!

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  1. Ha Ha Ha Ha! I can see what you mean, it will be stuck about the song being stuck in your head. I also see why your kids are enthralled with this little ditty. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Karen hope it doesn't drive you too crazy lol!! It's always in my head!! & oh ya I have heard my boy's singing it today already!!!
